Guelph Solid Waste Master Plan

Waste and how we manage it are constantly changing

The City recently updated the Solid Waste Management Master Plan (SWMMP) to explore new and innovative ways of supporting our growing community’s waste management needs.

As part of the SWMMP Update the City considered how new approaches to managing waste and consumer trends will shape the future of waste management in Guelph. Through this review, the City is also able to be at the forefront of innovative waste management initiatives, such as advancing the circular economy. The updated plan provides strategic direction for the next 25 years, including plans to build on Guelph’s leadership in waste minimization and diversion for a sustainable, service-focused and economically viable future-ready community.

A key finding coming out of the City’s SWMMP Update has been the emergence and growing community interest in moving towards a circular economy. This recognition highlights the importance for the City to prioritize and adopt a circular economy framework to further the City’s aspiration towards zero waste goals.

Cities are well poised to serve as catalysts, enablers and leaders in the circular economy as they possess a unique complement of leverage points. A circular city embeds the principles of a circular economy across all its functions, establishing an urban system that is regenerative, accessible and abundant by design. These cities aim to eliminate the concept of waste, keep assets at their highest value at all times, and are enabled by digital technology.

Transition to a circular economy would provide Guelph opportunities to:

  • enhance social and environmental outcomes;
  • improve economic performance and profitability;
  • decrease the risk associated with relying on external sources of raw materials and labour; and,
  • increase the resilience of City services and infrastructure.

Developing a comprehensive framework to guide the City of Guelph towards a circular economy is key. The SWMMP was developed with this in mind and supports the implementation of the approach, through the resulting recommendations.